Webinar Event MASKEEI - IDPRO
"Efficiency Power Supply for Green Data Centers"Get a view from The Indonesia Data Center Provider Association (IDPRO) and The Indonesian Energy Conservation and Efficiency Society (MASKEEI) and join the constructive dialogue on the Webinar Efficient Power Supply for Green Data Centres
- Tuesday, 27 July, 2021
- 09.30 am – 11.45 am, GMT+7

The pandemic situation pushing us to enter a digital work and IT Transformation without compromising, remote working, online conference, school from home, online shopping became part of our daily life.
Data center playing critical role in the shifting and transformation in those eras.
A 2020 EU report projects that by 2025, data center energy use will exceed 2018 levels by 21%.
Increasing data center electricity demans is a conces because most electricity today is still generate using fuels with a high carbon intensity. Now days, global narration on energy efficiency sustainability is becomng a key issue for data center providers.
The webinar will adress efficient power supply for green data center as well as examine available solutions for energy efficiency technology data center projects in Indonesia, also to identify in its regulation and implementation.
Johnny G. Plate
Minister of Communication and Information Technology )*
Hendra Suryakusuma
Chairman of IDPRO
RM Soedjono Respati
Chairman of MASKEEI
Michael Abimanyu
Executive Director of IDPRO
Toto Sugiri
Founder and CEO of DCI
Ravindra Bapat
Asia Pasific Data Center Lead, Aggreko
Luis Jaenicke
Applications Manager, Asia Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Solutions, CCHP
The pandemic situation pushing us to enter a digital work and IT Transformation without compromising, remote working, online conference, school from home, online shopping became part of our daily life.
Data center playing critical role in the shifting and transformation in those eras.
A 2020 EU report projects that by 2025, data center energy use will exceed 2018 levels by 21%.
Increasing data center electricity demans is a conces because most electricity today is still generate using fuels with a high carbon intensity. Now days, global narration on energy efficiency sustainability is becomng a key issue for data center providers.
The webinar will adress efficient power supply for green data center as well as examine available solutions for energy efficiency technology data center projects in Indonesia, also to identify in its regulation and implementation.
Event Rundown
Associate Professor
Lee Poh Seng
Executive Director of Energy Studies Institute (ESI)
Nils Warburg
Chief Representative APROVIS Energy Systems / Vice Chairman of Industry Working Group MASKEEI